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dianthus_caryophyllus_l [2017/03/28 12:54]
dianthus_caryophyllus_l [2017/03/31 11:40]
Zeile 2: Zeile 2:
 Erect perennial herb, up to 80cm high, native to the Mediterranean, cultivated since ancient times. Erect perennial herb, up to 80cm high, native to the Mediterranean, cultivated since ancient times.
 +"Carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus L., which originated in the Mediterranean countries, holds an important place in perfumery. Southern France, Italy, Egypt, and Kenya are now the main sources of carnation flowers for perfumery use. The flowers are extracted with volatile solvents, yielding carnation concrete, which on treatment with alcohol, gives carnation absolute... Carnation absolute is very expensive, therefore synthetic carnation compounds have been developed, the main components being eugenol and its derivatives combined with salicylates, benzoates and rose components." \\
 +[Anonis, Danute Pajaujis. "The application of carnation in perfumery." Flavour and fragrance journal 1.1 (1985): 9-15]
 The odor of older varieties of carnation is more spicy (clove-like), determined by eugenol. Most modern varieties produce low levels of eugenol and lack the characteristic fragrance: "The headspace GC/MS analysis of five varieties of perpetual flowering carnations and one Malmaison type showed significant differences in the chemical composition of their flower scent. The principal difference in odor between the varieties was accounted for by the proportion of eugenol (trace-84.1%) and methyl salicylate (0.1-1.4%)." \\ The odor of older varieties of carnation is more spicy (clove-like), determined by eugenol. Most modern varieties produce low levels of eugenol and lack the characteristic fragrance: "The headspace GC/MS analysis of five varieties of perpetual flowering carnations and one Malmaison type showed significant differences in the chemical composition of their flower scent. The principal difference in odor between the varieties was accounted for by the proportion of eugenol (trace-84.1%) and methyl salicylate (0.1-1.4%)." \\
dianthus_caryophyllus_l.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/06/12 12:14 von andreas