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commiphora_myrrha_nees_engl [2015/08/27 17:03]
commiphora_myrrha_nees_engl [2021/03/13 17:03]
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 Spiny shrub or small tree, native to Northeast Africa, Arabia; fragrant resin used medicinally and as incense. Spiny shrub or small tree, native to Northeast Africa, Arabia; fragrant resin used medicinally and as incense.
-"Myrrh, a commercially used resin, is mostly from C.molmol, growing wild in Somalia, Jemen and Arabia. It is mainly used in toothpastes and tinctures for treatment of gingivitis. Myrrh is composed of the essential oil (210%), the ethanol soluble resin (2540%) and the watersoluble gum (3060%). The watersoluble gum fraction of myrrh has been found to comprise of a mixture of proteoglycans (with dominating amounts of uronic acid polymers)." [[]]+"Myrrh, a commercially used resin, is mostly from C.molmol, growing wild in Somalia, Jemen and Arabia. It is mainly used in toothpastes and tinctures for treatment of gingivitis. Myrrh is composed of the essential oil (2-10%), the ethanol soluble resin (25-40%) and the watersoluble gum (30-60%). The watersoluble gum fraction of myrrh has been found to comprise of a mixture of proteoglycans (with dominating amounts of uronic acid polymers)." [[]]
-A mixture of furanoeudesma-1,3-diene and lindestrene possessed a typical myrrh odor, while dihydropyrocurzerenone possessed a resinous myrrh odor, represented the odor of myrrh by itself best. \\ +A mixture of furanoeudesma-1,3-diene and lindestrene possessed a typical myrrh odor, while dihydropyrocurzerenone possessed a resinous myrrh odor, representing the odor of myrrh by itself best. \\ 
-[Wilson RA, Mookherjee BD. (1983) Characterization of aroma donating components of myrrh. Proceedings of 9th International Congress of Essential Oils, Singapore, 1317 March, paper no.400, pp. 110, Book 4. Singapore: Essential Oils Association of Singapore]+[Wilson RA, Mookherjee BD. (1983) Characterization of aroma donating components of myrrh. Proceedings of 9th International Congress of Essential Oils, Singapore, 13-17 March, paper no.400, pp. 1-10, Book 4. Singapore: Essential Oils Association of Singapore]
 | {{:furano1.jpg|furanoeudesma-1,3-diene}} \\ furanoeudesma-1,3-diene | {{:lindestrene.jpg|lindestrene}} \\ lindestrene | {{:dihydropyrocurzerenone.jpg|dihydropyrocurzerenone}} \\ dihydropyrocurzerenone | | {{:furano1.jpg|furanoeudesma-1,3-diene}} \\ furanoeudesma-1,3-diene | {{:lindestrene.jpg|lindestrene}} \\ lindestrene | {{:dihydropyrocurzerenone.jpg|dihydropyrocurzerenone}} \\ dihydropyrocurzerenone |
-From the hexan extract of myrh resin from C.molmol, 8 sesquiterpene fractions were isolated, with furanodiene, furaneudesma-1,3-diene and curzerene, methoxyfuranodiene, acetoxyfuranodiene, curzerenone, furanodiene-6-one and methoxyfuranoguaia-9-ene-8-one, furanogermacrene-3, furanogermacrene-1 and fraction 8, furanogermacrene-2. The mixture of furanodiene-6-one and methoxyfuranoguaia-9-ene-8-one showed antibacterial and antifungal activity against standard pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans, with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 0.18 to 2.8 μg/ml. These compounds also had local anaesthetic activity, blocking the inward sodium current of excitable mammalian membranes. \\+From the hexan extract of myrh resin from C.molmol, 8 sesquiterpene fractions were isolated, with furanodiene, furanoeudesma-1,3-diene and curzerene, methoxyfuranodiene, acetoxyfuranodiene, curzerenone, furanodiene-6-one and methoxyfuranoguaia-9-ene-8-one, furanogermacrene-3, furanogermacrene-1 and fraction 8, furanogermacrene-2. The mixture of furanodiene-6-one and methoxyfuranoguaia-9-ene-8-one showed antibacterial and antifungal activity against standard pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans, with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 0.18 to 2.8 μg/ml. These compounds also had local anaesthetic activity, blocking the inward sodium current of excitable mammalian membranes. \\
 [Local anaesthetic, antibacterial and antifungal properties of sesquiterpenes from myrrh. Dolara, P., Corte, B., Ghelardini, C., Pugliese, A. M., Cerbai, E., Menichetti, S., Nostro, A. L., Planta medica, Vol.66(04), 2000, 356-358] [Local anaesthetic, antibacterial and antifungal properties of sesquiterpenes from myrrh. Dolara, P., Corte, B., Ghelardini, C., Pugliese, A. M., Cerbai, E., Menichetti, S., Nostro, A. L., Planta medica, Vol.66(04), 2000, 356-358]
Zeile 25: Zeile 25:
 [Fast and easy GC/MS identification of myrrh resins. Hanuš, L. O., Rosenthal, D., Řezanka, T., Dembitsky, V. M., Moussaief, A., Pharmaceutical chemistry journal, 42(12), 2008, 719-720] [Fast and easy GC/MS identification of myrrh resins. Hanuš, L. O., Rosenthal, D., Řezanka, T., Dembitsky, V. M., Moussaief, A., Pharmaceutical chemistry journal, 42(12), 2008, 719-720]
-"Furanoeudesma-1,3-diene possesses a sweet, warm, leathery-balsamic odor similar to that of indestrene, while dihydropyrocurzerenone elicits a rich resinous odor impression." \\+"Furanoeudesma-1,3-diene possesses a sweet, warm, leathery-balsamic odor similar to that of lindestrene, while dihydropyrocurzerenone elicits a rich resinous odor impression." \\
 [Scent and Chemistry, Günther Ohloff, Wilhelm Pickenhagen, Philip Kraft, Wiley-VCH, 2012, 325] [Scent and Chemistry, Günther Ohloff, Wilhelm Pickenhagen, Philip Kraft, Wiley-VCH, 2012, 325]
Zeile 31: Zeile 31:
 [Antimicrobial activity of Yemeni myrrh mouthwash. Almekhlafi, S., Thabit, A. A., Alwossabi, A. M., Awadth, N., Thabet, A. A., Algaadari, Z., Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.6(5), 2014, 1006-1013] [[]] [Antimicrobial activity of Yemeni myrrh mouthwash. Almekhlafi, S., Thabit, A. A., Alwossabi, A. M., Awadth, N., Thabet, A. A., Algaadari, Z., Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.6(5), 2014, 1006-1013] [[]]
-{{:commiphora_molmol.jpg?500}} \\+{{:commiphora_molmol.jpg?600}} \\
 Köhler,F.E., Medizinal Pflanzen, vol.2 t.185 (1890) \\ Köhler,F.E., Medizinal Pflanzen, vol.2 t.185 (1890) \\
 [[]] [[]]
commiphora_myrrha_nees_engl.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/09/02 14:17 von andreas