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citrus_x_lumia [2014/10/01 15:08]
andreas angelegt
citrus_x_lumia [2014/10/01 15:08]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 Citrus x lumia - syn.Citrus x limon 'Lumia'; Citrus limon var. lumia  Swingle; Citrus medica L. var. lumia - Rutaceae \\ Citrus x lumia - syn.Citrus x limon 'Lumia'; Citrus limon var. lumia  Swingle; Citrus medica L. var. lumia - Rutaceae \\
-pear lemon, Lumie, Patriarch-Zitrone+pear lemon, **Lumie**, Patriarch-Zitrone
 "The Pear lemon (Citrus × limon 'Lumia') is often confused with the 'Palestine Sweet Lime'  Citrus × jambhiri  Lush. 'Palestine' or other sweet limes. Also called French lime and (erroneously) Sweet lemon it is a tree found in Mediterranean countries. The fruit resembles a pear in shape,  has a thick peel and is not very juicy. It can grow to a formidable size; the fruit in the picture is 18 cm (7 in) long as the ruler shows. A group of scientists working in the University of Catania, Italy has shown by studying its chromosomes that the Pear lemon (and its cousin Adam's apple below) was first a hybrid of pomelo and citron, which then hybridized with lemon.  Pear lemon is sometimes classified as a citron hybrid. \\ "The Pear lemon (Citrus × limon 'Lumia') is often confused with the 'Palestine Sweet Lime'  Citrus × jambhiri  Lush. 'Palestine' or other sweet limes. Also called French lime and (erroneously) Sweet lemon it is a tree found in Mediterranean countries. The fruit resembles a pear in shape,  has a thick peel and is not very juicy. It can grow to a formidable size; the fruit in the picture is 18 cm (7 in) long as the ruler shows. A group of scientists working in the University of Catania, Italy has shown by studying its chromosomes that the Pear lemon (and its cousin Adam's apple below) was first a hybrid of pomelo and citron, which then hybridized with lemon.  Pear lemon is sometimes classified as a citron hybrid. \\
citrus_x_lumia.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/07/24 17:22 von andreas