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cicuta_virosa_l [2015/01/15 09:14]
cicuta_virosa_l [2015/06/13 11:37] Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 Very poisonous perennial herb, 0.60-1.20m tall, native to the northern hemisphere; leaves bi- or tripinnate; flowers small, white, umbellules 15-35 flowered. Very poisonous perennial herb, 0.60-1.20m tall, native to the northern hemisphere; leaves bi- or tripinnate; flowers small, white, umbellules 15-35 flowered.
-"The effect of [[|cicutoxin]], the poisonous principle of the genus Cicuta, on K+currents of activated T lymphocytes was investigated using the patch clamp technique. Cicutoxin produced a dose-dependent [5 × 10− 6–7 × 10−5mol/l] and completely reversible block of K+currents with an EC50 of 1.8 × 10−5mol/l. A maximum block of 71% was achieved with cicutoxin at a concentration of 7 × 10−5mol/l. Since previous studies have shown that T lymphocyte proliferation is associated with K+currents, the effect of cicutoxin on T lymphocyte proliferation was studied by means of 3H-thymidine uptake assays. At noncytotoxic concentrations [10−7−5 × 10−5mol/l] cicutoxin reduced the3H-thymidine incorporation dose-dependently. In conclusion, cicutoxin is a potent K+current blocker which inhibits K+channel-dependent proliferation of naive and memory T lymphocytes." \\+"[[|Cicutoxin]] is the most poisonous and most important component of polyynes of water hemlock (Cicuta virosa). It is found in all plant parts (highest content: rhizome up to 0.2%). Related compounds in water hemlock are isocicutoxin (Z-isomer of cicutoxin), with about 25%, and virol A and B, each with about 3% share of the total polyyne content." [[]] 
 +"The effect of cicutoxin, the poisonous principle of the genus Cicuta, on K+currents of activated T lymphocytes was investigated using the patch clamp technique. Cicutoxin produced a dose-dependent [5 × 10− 6–7 × 10−5mol/l] and completely reversible block of K+currents with an EC50 of 1.8 × 10−5mol/l. A maximum block of 71% was achieved with cicutoxin at a concentration of 7 × 10−5mol/l. Since previous studies have shown that T lymphocyte proliferation is associated with K+currents, the effect of cicutoxin on T lymphocyte proliferation was studied by means of 3H-thymidine uptake assays. At noncytotoxic concentrations [10−7−5 × 10−5mol/l] cicutoxin reduced the3H-thymidine incorporation dose-dependently. In conclusion, cicutoxin is a potent K+current blocker which inhibits K+channel-dependent proliferation of naive and memory T lymphocytes." \\
 [Cicutoxin from Cicuta virosa —A New and Potent Potassium Channel Blocker in T Lymphocytes., Strauß, U., Wittstock, U., Schubert, R., Teuscher, E., Jung, S., Mix, E., Biochemical and biophysical research communications, Vol.219(2), 1996, 332-336] [Cicutoxin from Cicuta virosa —A New and Potent Potassium Channel Blocker in T Lymphocytes., Strauß, U., Wittstock, U., Schubert, R., Teuscher, E., Jung, S., Mix, E., Biochemical and biophysical research communications, Vol.219(2), 1996, 332-336]
cicuta_virosa_l.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/06/07 16:27 von andreas