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chelidonium_majus_l [2015/10/04 13:51]
chelidonium_majus_l [2015/10/04 14:01]
Zeile 3: Zeile 3:
 Biennial or perennial herb, up to 70cm tall, native to Eurasia, naturalized in East North America; leaves pinnately lobed, underneath blueish green; flowers yellow with 4 petals, 2 sepals and numerous stamens. Biennial or perennial herb, up to 70cm tall, native to Eurasia, naturalized in East North America; leaves pinnately lobed, underneath blueish green; flowers yellow with 4 petals, 2 sepals and numerous stamens.
-The German Commission E Monographs (a therapeutic guide to herbal medicine) approved C.majus herb (Chelidonii herba) to treat painful cramps in the bile ducts and the gastrointestinal tract. \\+The German Commission E Monographs (a therapeutic guide to herbal medicine) approved C.majus herb (Chelidonii herba) to treat painful cramps of the bile ducts and the gastrointestinal tract. \\ 
 +[Bundesanzeiger 15.5.1985]
 [[]] [[]]
Zeile 18: Zeile 19:
 There are many reports about the hepatotoxic action of Chelidonium extracts.  There are many reports about the hepatotoxic action of Chelidonium extracts. 
 +{{:chelidonium_majus_dr.jpg?500}} \\
 +Thomé, O.W., Flora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz, Tafeln, vol.2 t.262 (1885) \\
 {{:dsc01025k.jpg?800|}} {{:dsc01025k.jpg?800|}}
chelidonium_majus_l.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2015/10/04 14:01 von andreas