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cananga_odorata_hook_f._and_thoms [2019/01/11 18:09]
cananga_odorata_hook_f._and_thoms [2020/12/27 11:52]
Zeile 23: Zeile 23:
 The flower scent of Cananga odorata from Lakekamu (Papua Nueguinea) contained less p-methylansiole (4.2%) than usual, but in contrast, comparatively high levels of jasmone (0.2%), and methyl cis-(Z)-jasmonate (0.02%). Main components, trapped on Poropqaue Q, were linalool (24.0%), germacrene-D (21.0%), (E,E)-farnesene (12.2%), caryophyllene (7.0%), and benzyl acetate (6.8%). \\ The flower scent of Cananga odorata from Lakekamu (Papua Nueguinea) contained less p-methylansiole (4.2%) than usual, but in contrast, comparatively high levels of jasmone (0.2%), and methyl cis-(Z)-jasmonate (0.02%). Main components, trapped on Poropqaue Q, were linalool (24.0%), germacrene-D (21.0%), (E,E)-farnesene (12.2%), caryophyllene (7.0%), and benzyl acetate (6.8%). \\
 [Meaningful Scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, Zürich 2006, 74-75 and 220-221]  [Meaningful Scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, Zürich 2006, 74-75 and 220-221] 
 +First fractions of essential oil from mature flowers of different origin contained 3-methyl-3-butenyl acetate  (isoprenyl acetate; 0.02-0.79%), 3-methyl-2-butenyl acetate (prenyl acetate; 0.07-2.15), (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate (0.13-0.17%), hexyl acetate (0.10-0.25%), and p-cresyl methyl ether (11.81-1.47%) e.g. \\
 +[Benini, Céline, et al. "Variations in the essential oils from ylang‐ylang (Cananga odorata [Lam.] Hook f. & Thomson forma genuina) in the Western Indian Ocean islands." Flavour and fragrance journal 27.5 (2012): 356-366]
 +"With respect to other flower stages, the full-flowering stage [IV] was characterized by higher esters and acids." Most abundant compounds were β-caryophyllene (17.0%), alloaromadendrene  (12.7%), β-cubebene (11.7%), neryl  acetate (11.7%), α-methoxy phenylacetic acid (11.7%) [LRI?? prenyl acetate? AK], (Z,E)-α-farnesene (6.9%), β-pinene (2.8%), methyl benzoate (2.6%), delta cadinene (2.4%), and benzyl benzoate (2.1%). Minor abundant but olfactorly interesing compounds were (3Z)-hexenyl acetate (0.07%), benzyl acetate (0.15%), ethyl benzoate (0.31%), cinnamyl acetate (0.07%), benzyl salicylate (0.06%), neral (0.19%), geranial (1.68%), p-cresol (0.17%), estragole (0.12%) e.g. \\
 +[Qin, Xiao-Wei, et al. "Volatile organic compound emissions from different stages of Cananga odorata flower development." Molecules 19.7 (2014): 8965-8980] \\
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Zeile 37: Zeile 44:
 ylang-ylang flowers  ylang-ylang flowers 
 [[|CC BY-SA 2.0]], Author: Bordy Nathalie   [[|Wikimedia Commons]] [[|CC BY-SA 2.0]], Author: Bordy Nathalie   [[|Wikimedia Commons]]
 +VIDEO: [[|Ylang-ylang from Madagascar]] (IFF-LMR) 
cananga_odorata_hook_f._and_thoms.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/12/27 11:55 von andreas