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cananga_odorata_hook_f._and_thoms [2017/04/14 10:22]
cananga_odorata_hook_f._and_thoms [2020/12/27 11:52]
Zeile 24: Zeile 24:
 [Meaningful Scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, Zürich 2006, 74-75 and 220-221]  [Meaningful Scents around the World, Roman Kaiser, Zürich 2006, 74-75 and 220-221] 
-{{cananga.jpg?500}} \\+First fractions of essential oil from mature flowers of different origin contained 3-methyl-3-butenyl acetate  (isoprenyl acetate; 0.02-0.79%), 3-methyl-2-butenyl acetate (prenyl acetate; 0.07-2.15), (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate (0.13-0.17%), hexyl acetate (0.10-0.25%), and p-cresyl methyl ether (11.81-1.47%) e.g. \\ 
 +[Benini, Céline, et al. "Variations in the essential oils from ylang‐ylang (Cananga odorata [Lam.] Hook f. & Thomson forma genuina) in the Western Indian Ocean islands." Flavour and fragrance journal 27.5 (2012): 356-366] 
 +"With respect to other flower stages, the full-flowering stage [IV] was characterized by higher esters and acids." Most abundant compounds were β-caryophyllene (17.0%), alloaromadendrene  (12.7%), β-cubebene (11.7%), neryl  acetate (11.7%), α-methoxy phenylacetic acid (11.7%) [LRI?? prenyl acetate? AK], (Z,E)-α-farnesene (6.9%), β-pinene (2.8%), methyl benzoate (2.6%), delta cadinene (2.4%), and benzyl benzoate (2.1%). Minor abundant but olfactorly interesing compounds were (3Z)-hexenyl acetate (0.07%), benzyl acetate (0.15%), ethyl benzoate (0.31%), cinnamyl acetate (0.07%), benzyl salicylate (0.06%), neral (0.19%), geranial (1.68%), p-cresol (0.17%), estragole (0.12%) e.g. \\ 
 +[Qin, Xiao-Wei, et al. "Volatile organic compound emissions from different stages of Cananga odorata flower development." Molecules 19.7 (2014): 8965-8980] \\ 
 +Experiments with forty healthy volunteers to investigate the effects of ylang ylang oil (Cananga odorata, Annonaceae) on human physiological parameters (skin temperature, pulse rate, breathing rate and blood pressure) and self-evaluation after transdermal absorption showed that, " the behavioral level, subjects in the ylang ylang oil group rated themselves more calm and more relaxed than subjects in the control group. These findings are likely to represent a relaxing effect of the ylang ylang oil and provide some evidence for the usage of the ylang ylang oil in aromatherapy such as causing a relief of depression and stress in humans." \\ 
 +[Hongratanaworakit, Tapanee, and Gerhard Buchbauer. "Relaxing effect of ylang ylang oil on humans after transdermal absorption." Phytotherapy Research 20.9 (2006): 758-763]  
 +{{cananga.jpg?600}} \\
 Blanco, M., Flora de Filipinas, t. 221 (1875) \\ Blanco, M., Flora de Filipinas, t. 221 (1875) \\
 [[]] [[]]
 +ylang-ylang flowers 
 +[[|CC BY-SA 2.0]], Author: Bordy Nathalie   [[|Wikimedia Commons]]
 +VIDEO: [[|Ylang-ylang from Madagascar]] (IFF-LMR) 
cananga_odorata_hook_f._and_thoms.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/12/27 11:55 von andreas