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calendula_officinalis_l [2016/04/11 12:48]
calendula_officinalis_l [2016/04/11 13:07]
Zeile 7: Zeile 7:
 [The Role of Triterpenoids in the Topical Anti-Inflammatory Activity of //Calendula officinalis// flowers, Della Loggia, R., Tubaro, A., Sosa, S., Becker, H., & Isaac, O., Planta medica, Vol.60(06), 1994, 516-520] [The Role of Triterpenoids in the Topical Anti-Inflammatory Activity of //Calendula officinalis// flowers, Della Loggia, R., Tubaro, A., Sosa, S., Becker, H., & Isaac, O., Planta medica, Vol.60(06), 1994, 516-520]
-{{:calendula_sapogenins.jpg|calendula sapogenins}} calendula sapogenins faradiol (R=OH), ψ-taraxasterol (R=H)+{{:calendula_sapogenins.jpg|calendula sapogenins}} calendula sapogeninsfaradiol (R=OH), ψ-taraxasterol (R=H)
 The flowers of C.officinalis are rich in pentacyclic triterpene alcoholes, free and esterified. With a content of about 19%, faradiol-3-O-myristate and -palmitate are the main components of the lipophilic extracts and together with ψ-taraxasterol responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect. \\ The flowers of C.officinalis are rich in pentacyclic triterpene alcoholes, free and esterified. With a content of about 19%, faradiol-3-O-myristate and -palmitate are the main components of the lipophilic extracts and together with ψ-taraxasterol responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect. \\
Zeile 13: Zeile 13:
 [Morphogenetic variability of faradiol monoesters in marigold Calendula officinalis L., Karin Zitterl-Eglseer, Gottfried Reznicek, Johann Jurenitsch, Johannes Novak, Werner Zitterl and Chlodwig Franz, Phytochemical Analysis, Vol.12(3), 2001, 199–201] [Morphogenetic variability of faradiol monoesters in marigold Calendula officinalis L., Karin Zitterl-Eglseer, Gottfried Reznicek, Johann Jurenitsch, Johannes Novak, Werner Zitterl and Chlodwig Franz, Phytochemical Analysis, Vol.12(3), 2001, 199–201]
- +{{:calendula_officinalis.jpg?500}} \\ 
-{{}}+Köhler,F.E., Medizinal Pflanzen, vol.3 t 61 (1890) \\ 
calendula_officinalis_l.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/04/11 13:16 von andreas